San Diego

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1-3 No Limit Holdem @ Harrah's in Funner, CA. Rapid Hands Style. Get stuck with KQ and AQ off suit early on in the session. Semi-bluffing with 23 of hearts and off to a terrible start and lose another one. KK good against QQ but AK no good all in against QQ. AA hold up against a turned two pair and picking up a free splash pot with AK. AA is less than 22 but the turn kills me on this board.

Mariano Poker

$1-$3 |

@ Harrah's Southern CA

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Going All-In @ Pechanga Resort and Casino. 1-3 NL Holdem session and immediately losing an allin with 10's against J's.

Mariano Poker

$1-$3 |

@ Pechanga

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Embrace the Grind Episode 4. Pocket Aces and the stats behind them. Where you make most of your money, by a long shot.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$5 |

@ Seven Mile

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Embrace the Grind Episode 3. Getting the best of a regular and all-in with AA against KK.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$5 |

@ Seven Mile
@ The Bike

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Embrace the Grind Espisode 2. Raising it 14x preflop and shoving with 2nd pair on the flop.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$5 |

@ Seven Mile

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Working your own hours and how much money you can earn playing 2-5, 5-10.  How you can make a million dollars! Embrace the Grind Episode 1. Aces in two all-ins on the flop.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$5 |

@ Seven Mile

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Want a mentor poker coach?  I am offering a free trip to Vegas and a coaching session from me, Johnnie Vibes. 5-10 NL Holdem cash game @ Seven Mile Casino. Large river bluff.

Johnnie Vibes

$10-$20 | $5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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Poker Dreams Recap. Try out a home game and off to Seven Mile Casino for a short handed game. Playing some hands in a tricky manner.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 No Limit Holdem cash game @ Seven Mile Casino. Nice drone footage. Should I fold aces with the nut flush draw to a jam of 2500$ into a 700$ pot?

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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What should I do on this over-bet? Click bait with Olga and my new clothing line. 5-10 No Limit Holdem session at Seven Mile Casino. Starting it off with Aces.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 No Limit Holdem session @ . Facing a huge over-bet with a set.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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DeepVibes Hoodies. 5-10 No Limit Holdem at . Up early before I can even get my phone out. Bumping up the raise size when someone is uber-defending.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 No Limit Holdem cash game session at Seven Mile Casino. Life aint just Sunshine and Rainbows! Correct fold after flopping the flush draw?

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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Getting my bankroll destroyed at Seven Mile Casino during a 5-10 No Limit Holdem cash game session. Same villain and multiple hands and he is getting the best of me.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 No Limit Holdem cash game session @ Seven Mile Casino. Balance and Click Bait. Mo-Run-Good with the K-10 and flopping a boat.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 No Limit Holdem cash game session @ Seven Mile Casino. Flopping the straight flush draw and turning the nut flush on two different boards.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 No Limit Holdem cash game @ Seven Mile Casino. Forced to click the call button when you know you have the worst of it.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 No Limit Holdem cash game session. Rough week of grinding at the Seven Mile casino. Hero call mode during a hand that went bad on the river.

Johnnie Vibes

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-10 NLH cash game session @ Seven Mile Casino. Run bad with a flat tire. Fun drone footage. Going runner runner with AK for the win. Review a hand with a regular.

Andrew Neeme

$5-$10 |

@ Seven Mile

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5-5 No Limit Holdem cash game @ Seven Mile Casino. Starting it off with pocket Jacks. Nice drone footage and one hand of nothing-ness. AK a couple times and flopping the nut flush draw.

Andrew Neeme

$5-$5 |

@ Seven Mile

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