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The Drawing Dead
$1-$3 | $5-$10 |
@ Bellagio
@ Westgate
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Another Trooper Thursday and pick up QQ and a small pot nice and early. Also busting guys with 74 off suit. Aces with no action. Quick double up at Troopers game and then headed to Neeme's pop up shop. Appearance from RainDelay, Johnnie Vibes, Neeme and Brad Owen. Running it once, tipsy, with KK, preflop against 2 other opponents.

Brad Owen
$2-$5 |
@ Isle Pompano
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Meet-Up-Game (MUG) 2-5 NLH @ iIsle Casino in Pompano. Kicking it off with a semi bluff of A4 of diamonds and get it through. Get a good pot when I call a shove with AQ and hold against A9. Then lose some $ to Mr. Neeme himself. Get stuck when I go up against a turned straight. Couple rounds of AK to get unstuck and then lose more hands to Neeme. AA against AA with a four way allin pot to get unstuck, again. Sucking out against KK.

Adam Rude
$2-$5 |
@ Harrah's Cherokee
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2-5 No Limit Holdem @ Harrahs Cherokee in NC. Shout out to RainDelay who cashed in the HPT main event in St. Louis. Easy game when you flop the boat with 88 on an 822 flop. Calling out Starbucks on the Recycling program. Taking down AQ with suited connectors. Henson mob founder stops by to make an appearance on the vlog. Sitting with a boat with 33 and getting raised large on the river.

Raising the Nuts
$25-$50 |
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25-50 NLH cash game on Poker After Dark. Fun interview with the commentator about me, my family, and channel. 7-2 again for the 200$ a man. Running the AK vs 10-9 twice for a 16K pot and I scoop that pot for a win of 3K on the session.

The Drawing Dead
$2-$5 |
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2-5 NLH cash game @ Aria. Mango sticky rice, Bailey's, watermelon juice and a message. Flop trips with 45 suited and get paid on a couple small bets, but the opponent makes a good fold in the end.

Poker Priest
$2-$5 | Tournament
@ Bellagio
@ Rio
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2019 WSOP Millionaire Maker @ The Rio in Las Vegas and some 2-5 cash @ Bellagio. Folding AQ suited to a 4-bet jam, the guy behind me calls with AQ offsuit and gets lucky with the river Ace. Shipping it all in with QQ against JJ and we get 2 outted on the river. Turn two pair and stack KK for a huge cash game pot and a 1 hour session.

Raising the Nuts
$25-$50 |
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25-50 No Limit Holdem cash game @ poker after dark (@pokergo). Early on, first hand actually and get caught bluffing with 84 of clubs. Turning middle set with 88 and scooping a small pot. AA against non other than Mike "The Mouth" Matusow and get him to bluff off some chips with the AQ offsuit. Seven deuce game on for 200$ a man and go for the triple barrel bluff with it on the end of the vlog.

Mariano Poker
$1-$3 |
@ Harrah's Southern CA
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1-3 No Limit Holdem @ Harrah's in Funner, CA. Rapid Hands Style. Get stuck with KQ and AQ off suit early on in the session. Semi-bluffing with 23 of hearts and off to a terrible start and lose another one. KK good against QQ but AK no good all in against QQ. AA hold up against a turned two pair and picking up a free splash pot with AK. AA is less than 22 but the turn kills me on this board.

Andrew Neeme
$5-$5 |
@ RUNITUP Stream House
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5-5 Home game @ RUNITUPLIVE Stream House in Las Vegas. New camera and a home game stream. Getting bluffed out of our shoes on the first hand. Riveting the but straight against Rob's rivered top pair for a good size pot. Then AA against Somerville's AK. KK in my opponents hand and then KK in my hand. Yum, Bradley dollars!

The Drawing Dead
$5-$10 |
@ Bellagio
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5-10 NLH cash @ Bellagio. Sweating Bart Hanson and crushlive poker who got 4th in a WSOP event. QQ have an over card on the flip and they are good as I was up against the ole 10-8 off suit. WATERMELON JUICE. Torching mediocre hands but flopping top set with Jack's and Kings. Fun and action table and leave to go to the Aria.

Adam Rude
$2-$5 | Tournament
@ Harrah's Cherokee
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Heads-up with my wife and she hit the two outer. Busted a tourney in 10 minutes and RainDelay is better than me. AK off suit runs into the flopped straight and burning money.

Ben Deach
$2-$5 |
@ Peppermill
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3-5 NLH cash game session @ The Peppermill in Reno, NV. Kick it off with J8 of diamonds and sneak a semi bluff through on the turn with the flush draw and middle pair. AK happy session with a couple winners. (+438). Got the right run out with a bluff attempt in the end. Up 7800$ since July.

Andrew Neeme
$2-$5 |
@ Maryland Live
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Meet-Up-Game (MUG) 2-5 NLH @ Maryland Live. Nitty folds and jackpots. Unlucky and lucky at the same time with A2 of clubs. 21 tables. Bottom set on a monotone board and scoop a 4,000$ pot. Appearance by Trevor Savage (tremoney).

Brad Owen
$2-$5 |
@ Isle Pompano
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Mug 3-5 @ Isle Casino in Pompano, FL. Vlog 100! Family, best moments, and POKER. Appreciation from Brad for the viewers. Kicking it off with a suited connector and flopping top pair with a flush draw. We get the bad news on the river. The whole world of outs and taking myself to value town with KJ suited. Massive last hand and stuck 2200$ during the MUG.

Mariano Poker
$2-$3 |
@ Lake Elsinore
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2-3 NLH cash game session @ Lake Elsinore. Turning two pair and taking the first pot my way. Very next hand, I flop two pair this time and take down another small one. AJ for value and a decent pot when moved to the main game. Pocket Kings are good as well but QQ no good.

Raising the Nuts
$2-$5 |
@ Maryland Live
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Neem and Owen Meet-Up-Game (MUG) 2-5 NLH @ Maryland Live. Jody on health and nutrition. 21 Tables. Poker Cammentary says "he's gotten soft in his old age". Snap off the 250$ river bet with bottom pair and then end up getting his entire stack later on. Huge pot comes out way when we flop too two. Flop middle set with pocket 8's and take one last huge pot. Check out the stack. Out for (+3550).

Andrew Neeme
$2-$5 |
@ Isle Pompano
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MUG (Meet up game) 3-5 NLH @ isle casino in FL. Double board bomb pots and chopping them up. AK off suited works out. Music spot on during this vlog. AQ no good against the 52 suited. 97 suited on a double board bomb pot and got quartered. The Barry Greinstien "ship it buddy" with the river ace. -780 on the night and it all is because of the double board bomb pots.

Ben Deach
$2-$5 |
@ The Wynn
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2-5 No Limit Holdem cash game @ The Wynn in Las Vegas. Vegas day 2. Appearance and interview of Jeff Boski. Number 1 poker room in Vegas is Wynn/Encore. Rivering top boat with KK.

The Drawing Dead
$2-$5 |
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2-5 NLH cash game @ Aria. Appearances from Brad Owen, Andrew Neeme, TheTrooper and RainDelay. Pkc event for freerolls into the WSOP. QQ and KK no good when I get it all in preflop. Russian speak at the table. Music is spot on. Down -146 at The Aria.

Adam Rude
$1-$3 |
@ Harrah's Metropolis
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1-3 NL Holdem cash game session @ Harrah's Metropolis. Recap of WSOP and the Vegas trip. My wife plays a hand and into the 1-3 game for 1100$. Flopping a straight on a monotone board and more hands against an old man fire.

Raising the Nuts
$3-$5 |
@ Isle Pompano
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Brad Owen and Andrew Neeme Meet-Up-Game 3-5 NLH @ ISLE POMPANO. Lex continues to get the best of me early in this session. Playing basically every hand and it's not going well. Turning the nuts when Paul turns the second nuts for a good size pot to help me get unstuck. Jay gets the best of me and take a little of Jonathan's money with two pair and top pair on two bomb pots. Firing against Devin at the end of the session. Take home a high hand bonus on the end as well.

The Drawing Dead
$1-$2 | $2-$5 |
@ Golden Nugget
@ Rio
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2-5 No Limit Holdem @ the Rio (-204). 1-2 cash game @ GoldenNugget (-1000). Can't beat the Rio cash game and da loser for my lifetime so far. Appearance by Andrew Neeme, TheTrooper, ThePokerTraveler, and RainDelay. Meeting with the solve for why team. Tipsy session at the nugget where you'll see some bad poker. Running aces into top set.

Adam Rude
$2-$5 | Tournament
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2-5 and tourney @ The Aria. Hanging at RIO. 2-5 in the king's lounge. 2-7 single draw tournament at the Aria. Shove in the tournament with 234410. Do all 4 players have AK? Running trips into a flopped boat.

Mariano Poker
$10-$20 | $2-$5 | $5-$10 |
@ Morongo
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2-5 and 5-10-20 cash game session @ Morongo Casino. Starting it off with aces and immediately felted for 800$. Once we get seated at the 2-5, finally get a pot sent our way with J9 suited. AK suited in BB for the big hand of the night.

Ben Deach
$2-$5 |
@ The Wynn
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2-5 No Limit Holdem cash game @ The Wynn. Pocket tens hold with it all in preflop against AQ. Semi bluff my way through a spot with a small pair and flush draw. Then I river the nuts with AK off suit. Later I river the boat that also brings in the flush for a 2200$ pot. Couldn't lose for this vlog.

Mariano Poker
$1-$2 |
@ Red Rock
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1-2 NLH cash game @ Red Rock. Missing some massive outs with suited connectors. Then, of course, we flop a set of eights and don't get paid off. Pocket tens don't work out either but turn a straight on the next hand.

The Drawing Dead
$2-$5 | Tournament
@ Bellagio
@ Rio
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Dealing with busting the Monster Stack WSOP. 2-5 NLH cash game session at the Bellagio. Talking out loud with QQ and giving up. Appearance by RainDelay (voice only). Go get a VERBINA drink.

Johnnie Vibes
@ Rio
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GARRY GATES @ the FINAL TABLE of the 2019 WSOP Main Event. Day 3 WSOP main event for myself as well. 10 bigs after some huge lost hands. Getting it in with AQ against AJ and it holds to make the money. No more selling action and bets for ROI. Such appreciation from Garry Gates to have that opportunity.
About Us
Just a guy who loves poker and wants to make an all-inclusive site where people can find the YouTube content and sort by Stake, Casino, Vlogger, Poker Room, or Area.
Address : St. Louis, MO
Email: info@pokervlogs.com